Helpful Information
Pennsylvania Death Certificates are $20 a certified copy.
Death Certificates can be ordered through the funeral home, online (there is a $10 processing fee), or through the mail. If the deceased was a veteran, they are entitled to 10 no-charge death certificates.
Call (570) 454-8341
Order Online
Printable mail-in Form
Death Certificates can be ordered through the funeral home, online (there is a $10 processing fee), or through the mail. If the deceased was a veteran, they are entitled to 10 no-charge death certificates.
Call (570) 454-8341
Order Online
Printable mail-in Form
A funeral is an emotional time for a lost loved one's family and friends. If you will be attending a funeral and have questions on the funeral etiquette, please don't hesitate to contact the funeral director or click here
Social Security survivors benefits are paid to widows, widowers, and dependents of eligible workers. The survivor will need to contact social security at 1 866-388-9878 to start the process of getting their benefits. The funeral director will have already notified the social security office. More Information
As the survivor of a Veteran, you may qualify for benefits, including a flag, grave marker, and help with burial costs and survivor compensation. The deceased Veteran is also entitled to military honors at their funeral. The funeral director will help you file for these benefits and make arrangements for the military honors.
Local Veteran Information
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Local Veteran Information
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